Fellowship in Bioethics Alumni

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Fellowship Alumni by Decade

  • Fellows in Bioethics

    Years 2020-2024


    • Sarah Chu, BS, MS
    • Mary Daly, MD
    • Jane Desmond, PhD
    • Kira A. Dies, ScM, CGC
    • Marissa Dittrich, MS
    • Mikhael Giabicani, MD
    • Pola Hahlweg, Dipl.-Psych., DPHIL, MAS
    • Emily Herzberg, MD
    • Aaron Kirby, MSc
    • Amanda McGee, JD
    • Luis Quinonez, MD, FRCSC
    • Danielle Galler Rabinowitz, MD, MM
    • Barry Solaiman, PhD
    • Mickelle West-Jones, Esq.
    • Carrie C. Wu, MD


    • Paul Aliu, PharmD, MRPharmS, MBA, GDip (Law)
    • Sarah Kristin Andersen, MD
    • Rachel Asher, MD
    • Latelle J. Barton, II, MD, HEC-C
    • Lorrie Edwards, MD
    • Joshua Girton, JD, LL.M., MBA
    • Faye Holder-Niles, MD, MPH
    • Lucy Jefferson, MSN, MD
    • Erwin J. Khoo, MBBS, FRCPCH, AM
    • M. William "Willy" Lensch, PhD
    • Dane Paneitz, MD, MPH
    • Katherine Peeler, MD, MA
    • Kim Serpico, EdD, CIP
    • Jean Solodiuk, PhD
    • Bruce Randolph Tizes, MD, JD, MPH


    • Paris Adkins-Jackson
    • Chantal Angueyra
    • Dorothee Caminiti
    • Sowmya Chary
    • Daniel Moreno De Luca
    • Tonya Ferraro
    • Allyson Hammerstedt
    • Rachel Jimenez
    • Matthew Lin
    • Alon Neidich
    • Elizabeth Nilson
    • Jonah Rubin
    • Barbara Wilkinson
    • Jonathan Wood


  • Fellows in Bioethics

    Years 2010-2020



    • Natasha Aljalian
    • Abdullah Alhadhira
    • Diana Anderson
    • Irina Anselm
    • Elizabeth Boskey
    • Glenn Ellis
    • Erica Greenberg
    • Thomas Hauser
    • Erica Holland
    • Michael Ieong, MD
    • Sheryl Katzanek
    • Sam Kim
    • Jill Manning
    • Sarah Stoneking


    • Daniel Daunis
    • Kristen Elwell
    • Rebecca Feinberg
    • Camila Gabriel
    • Angela Marsiglio
    • John Mayer
    • Junaid Nabi
    • Stacey Springs
    • Anita Wagner
    • Richard Whyte
    • Julian Willard
    • Stephen Wood



    • Ghiath Alahmad
    • Theofilos El Sayed Omar
    • Talia Engelhart
    • Grace Farris
    • Fariba Houman
    • Deborah Knudson Gonzalez
    • Mary McDonough
    • Lisa Moses, VMD
    • Peter Murray
    • Noah Rosenberg
    • Benjamin Tolchin
    • James Wilkins


    • Adam DeTora
    • Rodney Dismukes
    • Javad Hashmi
    • Carmen Langer
    • Paul McLean
    • Lida Nabati
    • Allan Peetz
    • Rosemary Reiss
    • Salla Saxén
    • Allison Scobie-Carroll
    • Sheleagh Somers
    • David Urion


    • Marc Bernard Ackerman
    • Danielle Deperalta
    • Assunta De Rienzo
    • Alan Fine
    • Sharyn Kurtz
    • Gail Leslie
    • Rebecca H. Li
    • Melissa J. Lopes
    • Mary Pennington
    • Manne Sjöstrand
    • Patrick T. Smith
    • Sabune Joane Winkler



    • Sohaila Bastami
    • David M. Browning
    • James Corbett
    • Cynthia Ann LaSala
    • Jennifer Mello
    • Brian P. O’Sullivan
    • Karen Restifo
    • Maya Sabatello
    • Susan Schorr


    • Peggy Doyle Settle
    • Elizabeth Hansen
    • Julie Kautz Mills
    • Danielle Ko
    • Piroska Kopar
    • Thalia Margalit
    • Laurinda Morway
    • Elizabeth Raynor
    • Ellen Weinstein
  • Fellows in Bioethics

    Years 2000-2010


    • Christopher Adrian
    • Theonia Boyd
    • Ilan Goldberg
    • Susan Kornetsky
    • Sandra Nasrallah
    • Konstantinos Papadakis
    • Benjamin Silverman, MD
    • Stephanie Smith
    • Rev. Angelika Zollfrank


    • Stephen Dretler
    • Kate Gallin Heffernan
    • Suzanne Hitchcock-Bryan
    • Padmaja Itikala
    • Paul Jodka
    • Daniel Kamin
    • Nicholas Sadovnikoff, MD
    • Andrea Saltzman
    • Shirley Shalev


    • Katerina Christopolous
    • Brian Cummings
    • Patrick Taylor
    • John Driscoll
    • Matthew Frank
    • Melissa Frumin
    • Rupali Gandhi
    • Farrah Mateen
    • Bjorg Thorsteindottir




    • Nancy Cahners
    • Theresa Cantanno-Evans
    • Thomas I. Cochrane, MD
    • Joanna Hedstrom
    • Sid Johnson
    • David Oxman
    • Jeffrey Peppercorn
    • Gil Siegal
    • Freeman Suber


    • Melissa Abraham
    • Maren Batalden
    • Stephen Brown
    • Helen Manson
    • E'mett McCaskill
    • Wendy McHugh
    • Susan Ursprung


    • Tara Bastek
    • Cameron Bopp
    • Kirsten Everett
    • Russ Gruen
    • Jay Nathanson
    • Maria Schiff
    • Harriet A. Washington
    • Eva Weiss
    • Chien-Chang Wu


    • Jay M. Baruch
    • Janice Cooper
    • David Diamond
    • Quentin Eichbaum
    • Carolyn Hayes
    • Patricia Illingworth
    • Sigal Klipstein
    • David Stevenson


  • Fellows in Bioethics

    Years 1992-2000


    • Kako Aita
    • Barbara Burr
    • Charlene Galarneau
    • Judy Johnson
    • Tom Mancuso
    • Frederick Nahm
    • Tim Pawlik
    • Mary Robinson
    • Carol Schilling
    • Elissa Weitzman


    • A.G. Breitenstein
    • Debra Fertig
    • Jyl Gentzler
    • Liz Hiltunen
    • Steve Joffe
    • Martha Jurchak
    • Jay R. Kaufman
    • Thomas Magnell
    • Caroline Moon
    • Deborah Morris-Harris
    • Kate Moynihan
    • Alice Noble
    • Richard Norton
    • Joan Riley
    • Joanne Wolfe



    • Martha Barnett
    • Stephen Behnke
    • Chiao Emmeline
    • Lisa S. Lehmann, PhD, MD
    • Sarah Levine
    • Ryoichi Matsuno
    • Thomas Van Hoof
    • Robert Wharton



    • J. Wesley Boyd
    • Kathleen Glass
    • Jan Hofmann
    • Richard Martinez
    • Brian Murphy
    • Barbara Redman
    • Melanie Shulman

