Ana Lucía Battaglino, MA, and Erika Versalovic, PhD, researchers in our Brain Bioethics Laboratory, received awards at the International Neuroethics Society's Annual Meeting.
Rebecca Brendel MD, JD, director of the Center, discussed the central arguments and possible impact of the Supreme Court's upcoming decision on Murthy v. Missouri.
Sana Baban, MBE, Ashlin Amano, MBE, and Lisa Moses, VMD published a piece in the Hastings Center Forum on animal ethics in xenotransplantation research.
A new book by Louise P. King and Isabelle C. Band collected cases in reproductive bioethics and asked experts from clinical ethics, law, and history to comment.
The NIH BRAIN Neuroethics program recently funded the "Recruitment, Engagement, and Access for Community Health Equity for BRAIN Next-Generation Human Neuroimaging Research and Beyond" (REACH for BRAIN) project, which strives to improve engagement with and recruitment of research participants in studies using the Connectome 2.0 scanner.