The Rule of Double Effect January 1, 2020 Brueck and Sulmasy propose a set of preconditions to be met before the rule of double effect can be applied
K. Anthony Appiah January 1, 2020 Issue editor Tim Furlan interviews philosopher, cultural theorist, and novelist K. Anthony Appiah
James Davison Hunter and Paul Nedelisky January 1, 2020 VIDEO: An interview with authors James Davison Hunter and Paul Nedelisky
Bioethics and The Future: Can Progress Be Tamed? January 1, 2020 The late Dan Callahan addresses some of bioethics' largest questions
Science and the Good January 1, 2020 George Scialabba reviews Science and the Good: The Tragic Quest for the Foundations of Morality
Do Spirituality and Medicine Go Together? June 1, 2019 Michael and Tracy Balboni explore the links between medicine and spirituality among patients
Informed Consent and the Revised Common Rule June 1, 2019 Updates to the federal regulations that protect human research participants pose new challenges and benefits in the way of giving informed consent
What Really Matters June 1, 2019 Dylan Marashi reviews Arthur Kleinman's "What Really Matters: Living a Moral Life Amidst Uncertainty and Danger"
Transferring Genetically Affected Embryos in IVF June 1, 2019 The ethical considerations of transferring embryos with chromosomal abnormalities
Ethics of Emergency Preparedness June 1, 2019 How might bioethical principals inform patient care during disasters or emergencies?
Arthur Kleinman June 1, 2019 Arthur Kleinman discusses his book "What Really Matters: Living a Moral Life Amidst Uncertainty and Danger"