Revisiting the Vegetative State: A Disability Rights Law Analysis April 1, 2021 For years, medicine, society and the law have treated disorders of consciousness (DoCs) as undignified conditions akin to death
Does the distinction between biological and chronological age support legal age change? April 1, 2021 If biological age could be measured accurately, should legislators consider allowing legal age change?
What is Organic Bioethics? April 1, 2021 Organic bioethics centers around interaction between bioethics and its social and cultural surroundings
The Role of Medical Personnel in Improving Prisoner Rights and Health in India April 1, 2021 In India, incarcerated people face soaring disease rates despite laws guaranteeing prisoners health care
Required Reconsideration for the Implementation of Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR) Orders in the Preoperative Setting April 1, 2021 What are the ethical issues associated with the implementation of DNAR orders?
Who Seeks Asylum in the United States and Why? Some Preliminary Answers from a Boston-Based Study April 1, 2021 The world is in the midst of a displacement crisis. By the end of 2017, there were nearly 68.5 million displaced individuals worldwide
How Do Individuals Who Were Conceived Through the Use of Donor Technologies Feel About the Nature of their Conception? April 1, 2021 As DNA testing becomes more easily accessible, users ought to think carefully about the decision to learn the nature of their conception
The Rule of Double Effect January 1, 2020 Brueck and Sulmasy propose a set of preconditions to be met before the rule of double effect can be applied
K. Anthony Appiah January 1, 2020 Issue editor Tim Furlan interviews philosopher, cultural theorist, and novelist K. Anthony Appiah
James Davison Hunter and Paul Nedelisky January 1, 2020 VIDEO: An interview with authors James Davison Hunter and Paul Nedelisky
Bioethics and The Future: Can Progress Be Tamed? January 1, 2020 The late Dan Callahan addresses some of bioethics' largest questions
Science and the Good January 1, 2020 George Scialabba reviews Science and the Good: The Tragic Quest for the Foundations of Morality