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Submission Guidelines
Instructions for authors can be found hereSubject Matter and Style
The Harvard Medical School Bioethics Journal welcomes submissions of original articles, essays, and reviews of contemporary books in bioethics. We publish scholarly work that reflects the full scope of bioethical inquiry— from clinical and research ethics to the ethical implications of innovation and policy and more/beyond. The Journal seeks submissions that explore novel and prescient ethical issues that affect health and well-being. Each submission will be reviewed by the Journal’s editorial team, who may seek additional review by content area experts. Manuscripts are accepted based on quality, suitability, and needs of the Journal.Format
Submissions should adhere to a word count of between 1200 to1800 words. All manuscripts should be formatted in double-spaced 12 point Times New Roman font with one inch margins. Submissions will be edited for clarity, accuracy, length, and style.Submission Instructions
Submissions should be sent to as an email attachment in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx files). The email subject line should be: Journal Submission, AUTHOR’S LAST NAME, YEAR-MONTH.All submissions should include:
A cover letter including the full names of all authors with post-nominal degrees, email contact for the lead author (which will be shared online), contact emails for any other authors, lead author’s or submitter’s phone number, institution or organization name, and year of graduation (if a Harvard alumnus or Center for Bioethics fellow);
Submission title;
Brief abstract (an overview of the submission in 200 words or fewer);
Citations referenced in numerical endnotes conforming to the Chicago Manual of Style;
Hyperlinks to referenced material or other topics of interest welcome;
Spell out acronyms on first reference following by the abbreviated term in parentheses; only use acronyms if they are used three or more times in an article.
Please email with any questions regarding the submission process. Hard copy submissions or phone inquiries are not accepted at this time.
Conflicts of Interest
Authors must disclose all financial and other conflicts of interest.Copyright
The authors of accepted submissions will be asked to sign a publication release form. Submission copyright will remain with the author(s) with the understanding that the Journal will retain the right to publish the submission. Editorial reviewers will respect authors’ rights by not publicly discussing their work prior to publication or appropriating their ideas.Third Party Considerations
With regard to case studies, the right to privacy of patients and their families should be respected and must not be infringed without their informed consent. When it is not possible to obtain consent from patients or their surrogates, authors should take care to omit non-essential identifying details and to mask other details where appropriate. -
HMS Bioethics Journal
Submission Guidelines
Instructions for authors can be found herePediatric Ethicscope accepts research articles, bioethical case analyses, issue analyses and commentaries, short opinion essays, dialogues, interviews, book reviews, and suggestions for the Proem. If you have another idea in mind, contact our editors to discuss.
Download or print our guidelines, policies, and procedures. Once familiar with our policies and guidelines contact us at: for instructions on manuscript submission.
Editorial Team
The highest standards in both editorial processes and manuscript reviewPediatric Ethicscope subscribes to the highest standards in both editorial processes and manuscript review. Tomas Silber, MD, MASS, is the journal’s editor-in-chief; Stowe Locke Teti, HEC-C, is executive editor. The editorial leadership and the Pediatric Ethicscope editorial board steer the journal’s aims, scope, and philosophy. Executive editor Stowe Locke Teti manages the editorial team and oversees manuscript screening and initial review prior to external refereed review (peer review). Contact the editorial team at:
Dr. Silber and Mr. Teti make use of subject matter editors as needed (listed in the print version of Pediatric Ethicscope). Please note that our subject matter editors are utilized when their expertise is required to screen a manuscript and make initial comments to authors; peer reviews are conducted by reviewers external to the journal and its management. See our For Authors section for further details.
Editorial Board
Comprised by renown expertsThe Pediatric Ethicscope editorial board is comprised by renown experts in the field of pediatric ethics, bioethics, and clinical ethics. More can be read about each of the board members listed below by following the this link.