Dr. Insoo Hyun, Director of Research Ethics and a faculty member at the Center for Bioethics was quoted for his take on the scientific debate surrounding hybrid creatures after the popularity of Netflix’s series, Sweet Tooth. Recently, this debate has surfaced again with Shrek 2 appearing in Netflix’s Top 10 movies in the U.S.
Master of Bioethics degree candidate, Aditya Shekhar, quoted as lead author in a study that finds Black and Hispanic children are less likely to receive bystander CPR than white children.
Dr. Rebecca Weintraub Brendel, associate director of the Center for Bioethics, director of the Master of Bioethics Degree Program, and president-elect of the American Psychiatric Association comments on “high-functioning depression”.
Dr. Robert Truog, a professor of medical ethics, anesthesia and pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and director for its Center for Bioethics, said that decisions like this should not be interpreted as punishment for those who choose not to receive the COVID-19 — or any other — required vaccination, but instead as a commitment to the organ transplant’s success.