Sadath Sayeed

Sadath Ali Sayeed, MD, JD

Assistant Professor of Global Health and Social Medicine
Member, HMS Center for Bioethics

Sadath A. Sayeed, MD, JD is assistant professor of global health and social medicine and pediatrics at Harvard Medical School and a staff neonatologist at Boston Children’s Hospital. Dr. Sayeed trained in pediatrics and neonatology at the University of California, San Francisco, and received his medical degree from the University of Iowa, his law degree from the University of Michigan, and his undergraduate degree from Dartmouth College. Dr. Sayeed began his academic career as an investigator in neonatal and pediatric bioethics. With a background in law and ethics coupled with clinical training as a neonatologist, he analyzed issues arising at the interface of medical practice and societal norms surrounding the status and care of newly born human life. His scholarly accomplishments in this field include several first authored and senior authored papers that range from conceptual ethical analysis to more qualitative work grounded in lived experience. Dr. Sayeed transitioned his academic focus to global health and ethics. He has been a global health delivery practitioner for well over a decade. As Chief Medical and Strategic Officer, he helped start up Seed Global Health, a non-profit that seeks to improve the quality of medical and nursing education and training in countries facing critical shortages of professional health care workers. In that capacity, he co-managed and directed a five-year PEPFAR funded partnership with the U.S. Peace Corps, the Global Health Service Partnership (GHSP). GHSP recruited, selected, placed, and technically supported over one hundred and seventy clinician educators as year-long visiting faculty in medical and nursing schools in five African countries. Dr. Sayeed teaches several courses at Harvard Medical School, including directing Global Health Ethics coursework in the Master of Medical Sciences in Global Health Delivery and the Master in Bioethics programs. He was the Director for the Responsible Conduct of Research at Harvard Medical School and continues to teach first year students in Essentials of the Profession.

Publications View
Fetal pain, abortion, viability, and the Constitution.
Authors: Authors: Cohen IG, Sayeed S.
J Law Med Ethics
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End-of-life decisions as bedside rationing. An ethical analysis of life support restrictions in an Indian neonatal unit.
Authors: Authors: Miljeteig I, Johansson KA, Sayeed SA, Norheim OF.
J Med Ethics
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Assessing the modified youngest-first principle and the idea of non-persons at the bedside: a clinical perspective.
Authors: Authors: Sayeed SA.
Am J Bioeth
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Teaching ethics and trading organs.
Authors: Authors: Sayeed SA.
Indian J Med Ethics
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Reflections on Gadchiroli.
Authors: Authors: Sayeed SA.
Indian J Med Ethics
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Impact of ethics and economics on end-of-life decisions in an Indian neonatal unit.
Authors: Authors: Miljeteig I, Sayeed SA, Jesani A, Johansson KA, Norheim OF.
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The marginally viable newborn: legal challenges, conceptual inadequacies, and reasonableness.
Authors: Authors: Sayeed SA.
J Law Med Ethics
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Baby doe redux? The Department of Health and Human Services and the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002: a cautionary note on normative neonatal practice.
Authors: Authors: Sayeed SA.
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CpG motifs in bacterial DNA cause inflammation in the lower respiratory tract.
Authors: Authors: Schwartz DA, Quinn TJ, Thorne PS, Sayeed S, Yi AK, Krieg AM.
J Clin Invest
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