Maggi Budd, PhD, MPH, ABPP, HEC-C

Maggi Budd, PhD, MPH, ABPP, HEC-C

Assistant Professor in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School
Rehabilitation Psychologist and Neuropsychologist, VA Boston Healthcare System
Chair, Clinical Ethics Consultation
Member, HMS Center for Bioethics

Margaret (Maggi) A. Budd, PhD, MPH, HEC-C, ABPP, is a Rehabilitation Psychologist and Neuropsychologist at Boston VA Healthcare System, and Associate Professor in Psychology at Harvard Medical School. She received her PhD from University of North Texas (UNT), and MPH from the UNT Health Science Center. She completed a two-year dual fellowship in neuropsychology and rehabilitation psychology at Johns Hopkins. She is board certified through the American Board of Professional Psychology and has a Graduate Certificate in Health Care Ethics from the National Center for Ethics, Washington, DC.  Dr. Budd is a nationally certified Health Care Ethics Consultant (HEC-C). Her clinical work focuses on veterans with spinal cord injury (SCI) within an interdisciplinary team. She also serves as Chair for the Clinical Ethics Consultation Committee and board member for Integrative Ethics Counsel for VA Boston. In addition, Dr. Budd is a member of Harvard Ethics Leaders Group and faculty member of Harvard Medical School’s Center for Bioethics. Scholarly involvement with ethics includes serving on Data Safety Management board for a multi-center NIH grant, and numerous local, regional, and national presentations related to ethics. Her areas of interest in bioethics are reasons for living/dying, and cognitive bias in disability. She recently published a model of potential provider bias when assessing risk for self-harm in people with SCI.

Center participation over the last year:  Consortia, HELG, ABC, endowed lecture, public forums

Center participation over the coming year: Teach in MBE, Teach in PME, Capstone mentor, consortia, HELG, ABC, HCBC, endowed lectures, public forums

Publications View
[Review of the book Social Neuroscience: Toward Understanding the Underpinnings of the Social Mind by A Todorov, ST Fiske, DA Prentice, editors]
Authors: Authors: Beyond Brain Activation to Applied Social Thought: The Complex Enterprise of Mind-Brain-Social Processing
The nature of naming errors in primary progressive aphasia versus acute post-stroke aphasia.
Authors: Authors: Budd MA, Kortte K, Cloutman L, Newhart M, Gottesman RF, Davis C, Heidler-Gary J, Seay MW, Hillis AE.
View full abstract on Pubmed
Comparison of nondominant- and dominant-hand performances on the copy portion of the Rey Complex Figure Test (RCFT).
Authors: Authors: Budd MA, Houtz A, Lambert P.
J Clin Exp Neuropsychol
View full abstract on Pubmed
Behavioral disorders: an unrecognized epidemic with implications for providers.
Authors: Authors: Epstein AL, Budd MA, Cole SA.
HMO Pract
View full abstract on Pubmed
In: Gonzalez-Fernandez, M, JD Friedman JD, editors Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Pocket Companion
Authors: Authors: Rehabilitation Psychology
New York: Demos Medical Publishing; 2011
[Review of the book Regain that feeling: Secrets to sexual self-discovery by Mitchell Tepper]
Authors: Authors: When we get that feeling, we need sexual healing
2013; 5(36):399.
Authors: Authors: Academy research initiatives: Past year and future directions

Authors: Authors: Boston Naming Test with Latencies (BNT-L) [Dissertation]

Authors: Authors: Practical Psychology in Medical Rehabilitation

Authors: Authors: Hooper Visual Organization Test (VOT) as a predictor of driving status of individuals with dementia [Master's Thesis]