Jonah Rubin, MD
Jonah Rubin, MD, HEC-C, is Pulmonary & Critical Care and Cardiac Surgical Intensive Care attending at Massachusetts General Hospital, where he also serves as a consultant on the Optimum Care (Ethics) Committee. He received his MD from Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons, completed internal medicine residency at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center, and pulmonary and critical care fellowship at the combined MGH-Beth Israel Deaconess program. During this time, he also completed the bioethics fellowship at the Harvard Medical School Center for Bioethics and received Healthcare Ethics Consultant certification (HEC-C) from the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities. His clinical areas of expertise include extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO), mechanical circulatory support (MCS), and critical care echocardiography, and he is leading a multicenter international project to assess ECMO candidacy decision-making. Within bioethics, his areas of interest include clinical decision-making regarding life support and end-of-life care including determination of death, disorders of consciousness, medical aid in dying and euthanasia, and organ transplantation. Recent publications include “The Need and Approach for Critical Assessment of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Candidacy Decision-making” accepted to Chest, “Autonomy to a fault: The confluence of organ donation, euthanasia, and the dead donor rule” in Bioethics, and “The Human and Humanity that Differentiate Withholding from Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Therapy: An ECMO Bridge to Nowhere” accepted to the American Journal of Bioethics.