John Edmund Mayer Jr.

John Edmund Mayer Jr., MD

Senior Associate in Cardiac Surgery, Boston Children's Hospital
Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School
Fellow in Bioethics

John Mayer, MD, received his MD from Yale Medical School, and trained in general and cardiothoracic surgery at the University of Minnesota. He is a professor of surgery at Harvard Medical School and the first Tommy Kaplan Chair in Cardiovascular Studies at Boston Children’s Hospital. He is interested health policy and has served as a Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) representative to the AMA Relative Value Update Committee and the STS Health Policy Workforce. He is the past president of the STS, past chair of the STS Finance Committee, and continues to serve on the STS Health Policy Council and on the STS Standards and Ethics Committee.

Publications View
Importance of case age in the purported association between phylogenetics and hemolytic uremic syndrome in Escherichia coli O157:H7 infections.
Authors: Authors: Tarr GAM, Shringi S, Oltean HN, Mayer J, Rabinowitz P, Wakefield J, Tarr PI, Besser TE, Phipps AI.
Epidemiol Infect
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The Global Spine Care Initiative: World Spine Care executive summary on reducing spine-related disability in low- and middle-income communities.
Authors: Authors: Haldeman S, Nordin M, Chou R, Côté P, Hurwitz EL, Johnson CD, Randhawa K, Green BN, Kopansky-Giles D, Acaroglu E, Ameis A, Cedraschi C, Aartun E, Adjei-Kwayisi A, Ayhan S, Aziz A, Bas T, Blyth F, Borenstein D, Brady O, Brooks P, Camilleri C, Castellote JM, Clay MB, Davatchi F, Dudler J, Dunn R, Eberspaecher S, Emmerich J, Farcy JP, Fisher-Jeffes N, Goertz C, Grevitt M, Griffith EA, Hajjaj-Hassouni N, Hartvigsen J, Hondras M, Kane EJ, Laplante J, Lemeunier N, Mayer J, Mior S, Mmopelwa T, Modic M, Moss J, Mullerpatan R, Muteti E, Mwaniki L, Ngandeu-Singwe M, Outerbridge G, Rajasekaran S, Shearer H, Smuck M, Sönmez E, Tavares P, Taylor-Vaisey A, Torres C, Torres P, van der Horst A, Verville L, Vialle E, Kumar GV, Vlok A, Watters W, Wong CC, Wong JJ, Yu H, Yüksel S.
Eur Spine J
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The Global Spine Care Initiative: care pathway for people with spine-related concerns.
Authors: Authors: Haldeman S, Johnson CD, Chou R, Nordin M, Côté P, Hurwitz EL, Green BN, Cedraschi C, Acaroglu E, Kopansky-Giles D, Ameis A, Adjei-Kwayisi A, Ayhan S, Blyth F, Borenstein D, Brady O, Brooks P, Camilleri C, Castellote JM, Clay MB, Davatchi F, Dunn R, Goertz C, Griffith EA, Hondras M, Kane EJ, Lemeunier N, Mayer J, Mmopelwa T, Modic M, Moss J, Mullerpatan R, Muteti E, Mwaniki L, Ngandeu-Singwe M, Outerbridge G, Randhawa K, Shearer H, Sönmez E, Torres C, Torres P, Verville L, Vlok A, Watters W, Wong CC, Yu H.
Eur Spine J
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The Global Spine Care Initiative: classification system for spine-related concerns.
Authors: Authors: Haldeman S, Johnson CD, Chou R, Nordin M, Côté P, Hurwitz EL, Green BN, Kopansky-Giles D, Cedraschi C, Aartun E, Acaroglu E, Ameis A, Ayhan S, Blyth F, Borenstein D, Brady O, Davatchi F, Goertz C, Hajjaj-Hassouni N, Hartvigsen J, Hondras M, Lemeunier N, Mayer J, Mior S, Mmopelwa T, Modic M, Mullerpatan R, Mwaniki L, Ngandeu-Singwe M, Outerbridge G, Randhawa K, Sönmez E, Torres C, Torres P, Watters W, Yu H.
Eur Spine J
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Flow Preservation of Umbilical Vein for Autologous Shunt and Cardiovascular Reconstruction.
Authors: Authors: Hoganson DM, Cooper DA, Rich KN, Piekarski BL, Gui L, Gaut JP, Mayer JE, Aikawa E, Niklason LE, Emani SM.
Ann Thorac Surg
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Predictors of Postoperative Rehabilitation Therapy Following Congenital Heart Surgery.
Authors: Authors: Ubeda Tikkanen A, Nathan M, Sleeper LA, Flavin M, Lewis A, Nimec D, Mayer JE, Del Nido P.
J Am Heart Assoc
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Invited Commentary.
Authors: Authors: Mayer JE.
Ann Thorac Surg
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Valve-sparing repair with intraoperative balloon dilation in tetralogy of Fallot: Midterm results and therapeutic implications.
Authors: Authors: Hofferberth SC, Nathan M, Marx GR, Lu M, Sleeper LA, Marshall AC, Baird CW, Mayer JE, Del Nido PJ, Emani SM.
J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg
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The Society of Thoracic Surgeons Congenital Heart Surgery Database: 2018 Update on Outcomes and Quality.
Authors: Authors: Jacobs JP, Mayer JE, Pasquali SK, Hill KD, Overman DM, St Louis JD, Kumar SR, Backer CL, Fraser CD, Tweddell JS, Jacobs ML.
Ann Thorac Surg
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Outcomes of Patients With Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Reaching Adulthood After Fontan Palliation: Multicenter Study.
Authors: Authors: Wilson WM, Valente AM, Hickey EJ, Clift P, Burchill L, Emmanuel Y, Gibson P, Greutmann M, Grewal J, Grigg LE, Gurvitz M, Hickey K, Khairy P, Mayer JE, Teo E, Vonder Muhll I, Roche SL, Silversides CK, Wald RM.
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