Daniel I. Wikler, Ph.D.
Daniel Wikler has been Mary B. Saltonstall Professor of Ethics and Population Health at the Harvard School of Public Health since 2002, where he is also affiliated with university-wide programs including the Harvard Program in Ethics and Health and the Safra Center for Ethics. His public service includes service as “staff philosopher” for the President’s Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research, and as the first “Staff Ethicist” for the World Health Organization, where he remains a consultant to several programs, including its consultative group on ethical dimensions of universal health coverage(2014). He was co-founder and second president of the International Association of Bioethics. Professor Wikler’s published work addresses many issues in bioethics, including issues in reproduction, transplantation, and end-of-life decision-making. In recent years, he has been concerned primarily with bioethical issues arising at the population and global levels, including health resource allocation, the measurement of health and the burden of disease; ethical issues arising in health promotion; and the principles governing the use of human subjects in health research. Among Prof. Wikler’s recent works, published with colleagues in the US and abroad, are the World Health Organization’s Casebook in Ethical Issues in International Health Research and Inequalities in Health: Concepts, Measures, Ethics, published by Oxford University Press in a series co-edited by Prof. Wikler under the title Population-Level Bioethics.
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