Carolyn Baker Ringel.

Carolyn Baker Ringel, JD, MBE

Consultant, Intent Clinical
Affiliate, HMS Center for Bioethics

Carolyn Baker Ringel, JD, MBE is a course instructor and capstone mentor within the Center for Bioethics at Harvard Medical School. She holds an AB in Politics from Princeton University, a JD from the University of Chicago Law School, and an MBE from Harvard Medical School. Early in her career she served as Legal Counsel for a Massachusetts State Senator and Counsel to the Senate Oversight Committee. She then moved to The Second Step, a domestic violence non-profit agency, where she expanded the family law practice within the agency and helped her clients resolve high-conflict, emotional situations. More recently, she has turned to helping parents of struggling teens feel heard, and offers coaching to ease the parental journey. She has published reflections on her own family's journey during the gender transition of her oldest child, as well commentary on ethical issues relating to transgender healthcare, and has presented at national conferences on the issues that may arise for parents, doctors, and others who interact with transgender children. She serves as a member of the Continuing Review IRB for Beth Israel Deaconess and is an elected member of the Board of Library Trustees for the Town of Dover.