Ana Lucía Battaglino.

Ana Lucía Battaglino, MA

Research Assistant, Lázaro-Muñoz Laboratory
HMS Center for Bioethics

Ana Lucía Battaglino, MA, is a research assistant at the Brain Bioethics Lab in the Harvard Medical School Center for Bioethics. She completed a master's degree in social science at the University of Chicago with a focus in anthropology and ethnographic research methods. Her master's research involved synthesizing health at every size perspectives and physician education materials for insights into the moral messaging that has been linked to iatrogenesis among patients seeking weight-related care. Broadly, Ana is interested in interdisciplinary work that brings disability advocacy, equity, and social justice concerns to empirical research and science communication. At the Center, she writes and manages human subjects research protocols, plans and executes recruitment strategies, develops data collection materials, collects and analyzes data, and writes manuscripts and presentations for publication.